
Home/Arnelle Adcock

About Arnelle Adcock

Arnelle Adcock is one of the two tall women who owns Clover Management Group in Brentwood. Contact her at aadcock@clovermg.com.

Conflict resolution 101

Why can't we all just get along? That question is a good one if you are assuming that we should all agree all the time.  The fact is that we can agree all the time only if you see things exactly as I do … and if I don't change my mind! We not only [...]

2017-08-12T19:12:30-05:00July 31st, 2011|News|

Knowing your cash flow key to success … and getting paid

Let's talk about money. You want your business to make money…a lot would be good.  And, you want to be able to keep as much as you can. What we're talking about is cash management and cash flow. Are you actually making money (a profit), not just recording sales? Most businesses are good at tracking [...]

2017-08-12T19:12:30-05:00July 17th, 2011|News|

Your WHY of doing business

A husband who was asked about the success of his 30-year marriage replied simply, "I keep showing up." Successful business owners like successful marriage partners keep "showing up." However, the discipline of consistency and constancy in business would be way too tiring except for another vital ingredient—the WHY of being in business. WHY did you [...]

2015-02-09T04:41:53-06:00May 11th, 2011|News|